April 14, 2011

Keeping it real

J: "Mommy can I have another treat?"
Me: "No. Four is plenty."
J: "For real?"
Me: "Yes."
J: "Seriously? For real mommy?"
Me: "Seriously. No more treats tonight."
J: "For real?"
Me: "No. I mean yes. I mean no....no more treats."
J: "Then can I have a treat in my lunchbox tomorrow?"
Me: "We'll see."
J: "For real?"
Me: "Yes, for real."
J: "Can I have two treats in my lunchbox?"
Me: "J, if you don't stop asking for more treats you won't get any."
J: "For real? Not any?"
Me: "Yes, J, for real – if you don't stop asking."
J: "For real?"
Me: "J PLEASE stop....(SIGH) yes, for real."
J: "Mommy..."
Me: "J, I'm warning you."
J: "For real?"

Just the nightly dinner conversation at our house. 
For real.

It's a Life Sentence on Facebook!

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